Congregational Song

Forgotten Hymn Series: Part 1, “A Father doth His Child Beget”

The purpose of this series is to rediscover and share forgotten hymns of the faith. I encourage you to both read and deeply ponder the text of this hymn. Further, I hope this hymn will provide opportunity for dialogue.

A Hymn by Benjamin Keach (1640–1704)

Matthew 5:16

A father doth his child beget,

    So we begotten are,

By thy own Word and Spirit Lord,

    And do thine image bear.

He likewise doth his children cloath,

    And doth them also love;

So thou most richly cloaths all such

    That are born from above.

A father feeds and does protect

    Such who his children be:

So thou dost feed and save all those

    Who do belong to thee.

And also doth delight in them

    Who him resemble do:

To such who are most like to thee,

    Thou dost chief favour show.

Second Part

A father loves his children should

    All live in unity;

So thou delights to see thy saints

    Walk in sweet harmony.

He ever does o’relook the faults,

    Which he in them does spy

So all thy people’s faults likewise

    Thou dost, O Lord, pass by.

’Tis a high honour to descend

    From such who noble be;

Kings Children are all but base born,

    To those, Lord, born of thee.

Rich parents may soon poor be made,

    And also they do die:

Thou Lord art rich, and so wilt be

    Unto eternity.

All praise and glory unto God

    Our Father, be therefore:

And unto Christ that ransome’d us,

    Be praise for evermore.

Benjamin Keach, Spiritual Melody, 1–2